"may your year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness...
i hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful...
and don't forget to make some art - write - or draw - or build - or sing - or live as only you can...
and i hope somewhere this year, you surprise yourself..."
::: by neil gaiman
Neil Gaiman happens to be one of my favorite writers... first encounterd him with his series of vertigo adult literatures like Books of Magic and Constantine (which of course was made into film starring Keanu Reeves)...
and that new year greeting from him was quoted by my good friend, stanley...
i couldn't agree more with neil... and stan (i trust he believes in it kaya niya pinang-greet... hehehe!)... and if memory serves me right, this was neil's new year 'pabati' last year... hehehe!
hmmmm... i just might re-live again the good tidings...
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